News is a collection of events that occur in the world around us. These can be local, national or international events that are considered significant enough to warrant coverage by the media. The content of News can be varied and consists of anything from wars to celebrity gossip. The media often aims to influence the opinions of the public through their choice of which stories they report. It has been argued that there is no such thing as unbiased news and that the prejudices of the journalist and the news outlet will determine which events are reported.
When writing an article about News it is important to gather as many facts as possible about the event or person being discussed. This will help the writer build a detailed and accurate account of what has happened. It is also important to get quotes from people who have knowledge of the situation or event. This is especially important if the writer is trying to present an objective view of what has occurred.
Whether you are writing for print or online the same principles apply. The article should be well researched and written in a clear, concise manner that will engage the reader and encourage them to continue reading until they reach the end of the story. A good opening paragraph is essential and the article should be presented above the fold (the crease in a newspaper page). This is because most readers will only read what appears on the first page and will not bother to scroll down the page to find out more.
It is also important to write in the third person, using words such as ‘he’,’she’ or ‘it’ rather than first-person pronouns like ‘I’. This is because it is less likely to jar the reader and will allow you to avoid using unnecessary quotation marks.
As with any writing project you should proofread your work thoroughly before submitting it. This will ensure that all the information in your article is correct and that there are no mistakes or grammatical errors. It is also important to have a consistent style and tone throughout the piece, as this will make it easier for the reader to follow.
Some events are not considered newsworthy because they are commonplace in one society but not in another. For example, it is not newsworthy that a dog bites a man in one society but it would be newsworthy in another where dogs are eaten. This is because what is considered to be interesting or significant varies between societies.