The Framework of Content Analysis of News Values

Journalism is an enduring form of storytelling, in which journalists choose which facts to emphasize in a story. Some critics argue that media deliver news based on market research. Others believe that journalists are influenced by their own judgment, and so shape the news that they present. Others, such as Jack Fuller, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, claim that journalists’ definition of news is subject to subjective bias.

Content analysis of news values

The framework of content analysis of news values provides a useful tool for analyzing news stories, especially for journalists and media professionals. It is a vitally important concept in our mediated society, as the media’s role in shaping news audiences is enormous. However, determining what news stories are valuable is more complex than it seems. Many factors are at play, including the agendas and goals of media organizations, the influence of advertisers, and the belief systems of journalists.


Magnitude of news is a concept that describes the effects of various types of information on financial markets. For example, news about the economy will affect stock prices differently than news about central banks. Consequently, different kinds of news will have different impacts on stocks and bonds. Magnitude of news research focuses on different types of news and their effects, and aims to provide practitioners with useful information about how news affects markets.


Relevance is the ability of news to influence readers’ opinions. The relevance of news can be based on a number of factors, including violence, scandal, locality, and familiarity. News stories are selected based on their relevance to the audience and society as a whole. Several models have been developed to explain how relevance is determined.


Exclusivity in news can be a good thing for a news organization, but it also carries risks. If a news story is exclusive, it prevents other media outlets from running it. Timeliness has always played an important role in news production, and newspapers relied on timely accounts to engage readers. It was also reinforced through organizational incentives. Timeliness gave readers a sense of participation in distant affairs. It also emphasized the ritualistic nature of news.


The shareability of news is an important measure of the impact of a news story. News stories that are widely shared get more attention than those that are not. For example, a story about a coup is more likely to be shared than a story about a celebrity. The researchers hope to understand why.

Time factor

The time factor in news can have a significant impact on the type of news stories that are published. News stories that are shorter are more likely to be published in newspapers, while longer stories are more likely to be seen online. While the time factor is an important factor, many other factors may affect the amount of attention news stories receive.

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