News is information about a changing situation or an event. It is often written to inform and educate, though it may be based on opinion or even bias. National papers tend to report on important international events that affect the whole population, and will also feature local sports, entertainment and politics. Local papers focus on issues that are close to home.
Different societies have different ideas about what constitutes news. Cows and pigs might be equally important to people in one society, but different levels of interest are shown when it comes to other animals or plants. The weather is a constant source of interest, especially when it is unusual, such as drought or flood. Health and safety issues are also of great importance to many, so stories about hospitals and clinics, disease outbreaks or new drugs are frequently reported. Agriculture is another major issue, with stories about harvest sizes and prices, crop diseases and shortages.
Some people have different opinions about what makes newsworthy, with some arguing that a story should be short so that it can be read quickly, and others pointing out that a long article will not get the same readership as a shorter one. In addition, some argue that a story should be interesting, significant, and about people. Whether these criteria are valid or not, they do help to define what is important for a newspaper to report.
There are many different ways to read the news, from newspapers and online sources, to TV and radio. Some people like to subscribe to enewsletters which are delivered directly to their Inbox, while others prefer to follow popular podcasts such as Today Explained or The Skimm. Those who are visual learners might enjoy trying out outlets that offer explainer videos, such as Vice or Vox.
For those who are learning a language, it can be helpful to read the news in that language. Not only will it improve your reading skills, but it will also give you a feel for the vocabulary that is used in your target language. It might be difficult at first, but as you become more familiar with the terminology you will find that you are able to understand more and more of what is being said. Don’t forget to keep a dictionary handy, and don’t be afraid to use it!
Watching the news can be a great way to practice your new language, but it is also important to remember that it will vary greatly from the written version. Be sure to check out the subtitles on YouTube videos if you are learning a language that uses them, and don’t be afraid to use English subtitles for particularly complicated news articles at first. Also be sure to read the news aloud if you can, as it will make your pronunciation better and help you to keep up with the pace of the article. This is a good tip for any reading, but it is especially important when learning a new language.